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Interactions microbiennes : si leur maîtrise m'était conté... : Ferments = Microorganisms interactionsTHUAULT, D.Revue laitière française. 1997, Num 570, pp 18-19, issn 0035-3590Conference Paper

The stereoselectivity of the use of lactic acid by Clostridium tyrobutyricumHUCHET, V; THUAULT, D; BOURGEOIS, C. M et al.Food microbiology. 1997, Vol 14, Num 3, pp 227-230, issn 0740-0020Article

Development of a method for detection of lactic acid bacteria producting exclusively the L-(+)-isomer of lactic acidJEHANNO, D; THUAULT, D; BOURGEOIS, C. M et al.Applied and environmental microbiology (Print). 1992, Vol 58, Num 12, pp 4064-4067, issn 0099-2240Article

Filtration sous pression : Dénombrer Listeria monocytogenes dans les produits carnés = Pressure filtration: Listeria monocytogenes counting in meat productsJEHANNO, D; THUAULT, D; DROUET, X et al.Viandes et produits carnés (Aubière). 1999, Vol 20, Num 3, pp 87-91, issn 0241-0389Article

Identification and characterization of Streptococcus thermophilus strains by pulsed-field gel electrophoresisBOUTROU, R; THUAULT, D; BOURGEOIS, C. M et al.Journal of applied bacteriology. 1995, Vol 79, Num 4, pp 454-458, issn 0021-8847Article

Streptococcus thermophilus 580 produces a bacteriocin potentially suitable for inhibition of Clostridium tyrobutyricum in hard cheeseMATHOT, A. G; BELIARD, E; THUAULT, D et al.Journal of dairy science. 2003, Vol 86, Num 10, pp 3068-3074, issn 0022-0302, 7 p.Article

Premium : Microbiologie prévisionnelle appliquée aux aliments structures developpement d'un cadre unifié de modélisation et application aux interactions microbiennes. Discussion = Predictive microbiology of structured foods : Development of unifying modelling framework and application to microbial interactions. DiscussionTHUAULT, D; COMMERE, B.Science et technique du froid. 1998, pp 77-79, issn 0151-1637, isbn 2-913149-03-0Conference Paper

Modélisation des effets du pH, de l'acide lactique, du glycérol et du NaCl sur la croissance des cellules végétatives de Clostridium tyrobutyricum en milieu de culture = Development of a model predicting the effects of pH, lacti acid, glycerol and sodium chloride content on the growth of vegetative cells of Clostridium tyrobutyricum in a culture mediumHUCHET, V; THUAULT, D; BOURGEOIS, C. M et al.Le Lait (Print). 1995, Vol 75, Num 6, pp 585-593, issn 0023-7302Article

Mitochondrial DNA of the basidiomycete Polyporus ciliatus. I: Physical map, localization of specific genes and cloning of an autonomously replicating sequence (ars)THUAULT, D; MEINHARDT, F; ESSER, K et al.Applied microbiology and biotechnology. 1985, Vol 21, Num 3-4, pp 196-199, issn 0175-7598Article

Reaction of bacteria associated with fish spoilage to chemical and physical stress = Réaction au stress chimique et physique des bactéries d'altération du poissonKIRBY, R; DA SILVA, M; CAPELL, C et al.Food science and technology international. 2001, Vol 7, Num 5, pp 405-409, issn 1082-0132Article

Effet du mode de conditionnement à bord des bateaux de pêche sur la qualité du poisson = Effect of the method of storage on-board fishing vessels on the quality of fishJEHANNO, D; THUAULT, D; LARNAUD, P et al.Sciences des aliments. 1996, Vol 16, Num 2, pp 167-174, issn 0240-8813Article

Heat resistance of coliform species isolated from cooked ham, snail flesh, and 'bouchées à la reine'DENIS, C; CADOT, P; LEGUERINEL, I et al.Letters in applied microbiology. 2006, Vol 42, Num 2, pp 160-164, issn 0266-8254, 5 p.Article

Characterization of diacetin B, a bacteriocin from Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis bv. diacetylactis UL720ALI, D; LACROIX, C; THUAULT, D et al.Canadian journal of microbiology. 1995, Vol 41, Num 9, pp 832-841, issn 0008-4166Article

Development and application of a predictive model of Aspergillus candidus growth as a tool to improve shelf life of bakery productsHUCHET, V; PAVAN, S; LOCHARDET, A et al.Food microbiology. 2013, Vol 36, Num 2, pp 254-259, issn 0740-0020, 6 p.Article

Sym'Previus : La microbiologie prévisionnelle, du laboratoire à l'industrie agroalimentaire = Predictive microbiology, from laboratory to food industryCOUVERT, O; AUGUSTIN, J. C; HUCHET, V et al.Sciences des aliments. 2006, Vol 26, Num 5, pp 377-393, issn 0240-8813, 17 p.Article

Optimising food process and formulation on internet : The SYM'PREVIUS experienceCONVERT, O; THUAULT, D; CARLIN, F et al.Acta horticulturae. 2005, pp 397-400, issn 0567-7572, isbn 90-6605-618-5, 4 p.Conference Paper

Estimation of the confidence band of bacterial growth simulation. The Sym'Previus approachMOREAU, Y; CONVERT, O; THUAULT, D et al.Acta horticulturae. 2005, pp 415-420, issn 0567-7572, isbn 90-6605-618-5, 6 p.Conference Paper

Modelling microbial growth in structured foods: towards a unified approachWILSON, P. D. G; BROCKLEHURST, T. F; ARINO, S et al.International journal of food microbiology. 2002, Vol 73, Num 2-3, pp 275-289, issn 0168-1605Conference Paper

Modelling pH evolution and lactic acid production in the growth medium of a lactic acid bacterium : Application to set a biological TTIELLOUZE, M; PICHAUD, M; BONAITI, C et al.International journal of food microbiology. 2008, Vol 128, Num 1, pp 101-107, issn 0168-1605, 7 p.Conference Paper

Modelling the growth kinetics of Listeria as a function of temperature, pH and organic acid concentrationLE MARC, Y; HUCHET, V; BOURGEOIS, C. M et al.International journal of food microbiology. 2002, Vol 73, Num 2-3, pp 219-237, issn 0168-1605Conference Paper

Modelling Bacillus cereus growthCHORIN, E; THUAULT, D; CLERET, J.-J et al.International journal of food microbiology. 1997, Vol 38, Num 2-3, pp 229-234, issn 0168-1605Article

Cloning, expression, and nucleotide sequence of genes involved in production of lactococcin DR, a bacteriocin from Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactisRINCE, A; DUFOUR, A; LE POGAM, S et al.Applied and environmental microbiology (Print). 1994, Vol 60, Num 5, pp 1652-1657, issn 0099-2240Article

Les moyens de lutte contre listéria = Means for struggle against ListeriaMENARD, J.-L; SERIEYS, F; THUAULT, D et al.Revue laitière française. 1993, Num 525, pp 26-31, issn 0035-3590Article

Inhibition of Clostridium tyrobutyricum by bacteriocin-like substances produced by lactic acid bacteriaTHUAULT, D; BELIARD, E; LE GUERN, J et al.Journal of dairy science. 1991, Vol 74, Num 4, pp 1145-1150, issn 0022-0302Article

Plasmid-encoded determinants for bacteriocin production and immunity in a Lactococcus lactis strain and purification of the inhibitory peptideDUFOUR, A; THUAULT, D; BOULLIOU, A et al.JGM. Journal of general microbiology. 1991, Vol 137, pp 2423-2429, 10Article

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